Smooth, complex, bold, organic, kosher, additive-free… these words encompass the impeccable spirit of Suave Tequila. Since its inception, Suave embodies the essence of unparalleled natural beauty. Being rich in flavour, aromas, and spirit, Suave is best for sipping alone. A premium sipping tequila so true to its roots and pure in every sense of the word; the perfect blend between traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetics. A tequila that can boldly compete against the strongest brands and hold its ground because of its authenticity in flavour and body. Positioned to become the smoothest organic tequila in the market, Suave Premium Tequila was destined to be born.
Integrity, humility, and honesty are the values that encompass Premium Suave Tequila's business endeavours. Sustainability for them is best represented through the three pillars which encompass it ranging from their care for the environment, equity within their supply chain, and economic stability in all their business endeavours. It is imperative to reach an equilibrium with all three aspects of sustainability to truly achieve entrepreneurial success. Within their business processes, Premium Suave Tequila rely on 100% organic farming practices. This is made possible through their strive for implementing biological controls of pests and plagues with the use of naturally found predators for these same insects. When this biological control is not feasible due to lack of adaptability of external species to the local climate, they resort to only organic-approved insecticides to handle the dirty business. They also recently turned their eyes towards circularity within their business model. Premium Suave Tequila currently reuse their agave byproducts as compost for their vegetables farm and to feed their livestock and are looking forwards to also reusing or biodegrading other aspects of their final product’s packaging in the years to come. Part of their production process also relies on natural fermentation techniques which means they only utilise naturally airborne yeasts to ferment their mostos (tequila before fermentation). This is a slower process than induced fermentation (adding yeast to the mix) but guarantees the highest quality liquid by implementing all the natural elements found into our creation. Premium Suave Tequila operate with their vision set on the ultimate goal of becoming nothing less than the golden standard in the industry.

Guadalajara, Mexico
First Certified
Ultra-Premium Drinks
North America & Europe


Suave Tequila, certified organic, kosher, and additive-free, has implemented a sustainable sourcing strategy to ensure fair supplier treatment throughout its production process. The company addresses six key issues: optimizing natural resource use, effective waste management, efficient delivery of goods and services, carbon footprint management, raising sustainability awareness among suppliers and business associates, and ensuring fair treatment with fair wages for all associates. Additionally, Suave Tequila has reduced its indirect emissions by applying sustainable procurement principles at all stages of the purchasing process and advising suppliers to adopt sustainable practices within their supply chains.


For years, the outskirts of Guadalajara, whereby Suave Tequila operates, has suffered a decline in biodiversity due to anthropogenic activities ranging from deforestation to hunting. Suave Tequila has fortunately been able to reintroduce many animals and plants species to their hacienda (ranch) thanks to their eco-friendly agricultural processes and biodiversity initiatives. These initiatives started in early 2022, and since then the region has seen many animals naturally relocating back to the local habitat including: Wolves, Roadrunners, Bats, Rabbits, Coyotes, Ants, Spiders, Beetles, Bees and Snakes. The business has implemented Polyculture designs in their fields which is comprised of growing a diversity of crops simultaneously thereby fostering food security and reducing/eliminating the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides. Their Permaculture programme uses natural techniques for plague controls by establishing symbiotic relationships between different species instead of relying on traditional chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The switch away from chemicals has resulted in soil fertility being restored and erosion being mitigated.


The brand has worked closely with different municipal presidents to jointly build adequate roads for everyone. These roads in the local area were in a terrible condition for years, making it difficult for people to commute or even access basic rights such as access to schools and hospitals. Suave Tequila has since then created jobs for over 50+ families from local towns ensuring living wages and social securities for all workers, including field workers, are met. Their goal is to create at least 100+ more jobs in the near future and strive to primarily hire people from impoverished local communities to give them and their families the support they need to succeed by providing stable jobs, housing, and even ‘educational bonuses’, which means that the company offers to pay for further education for its best employees (diploma degrees, university degrees, and graduate degrees).


Premium Suave Tequila supports two UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has provided SDG training to their employees. The business decided to support the SDG 2: Zero hunger by supporting the poorer communities where it operates by providing housing, training, and locally grown food for all workers at the hacienda. The brand also supports SDG 15: Life on land to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services by optimising the use of natural resources and effectively managing waste and water across their supply chain.
Suave Tequila, certified organic, kosher, and additive-free, has implemented a sustainable sourcing strategy to ensure fair supplier treatment throughout its production process. The company addresses six key issues: optimizing natural resource use, effective waste management, efficient delivery of goods and services, carbon footprint management, raising sustainability awareness among suppliers and business associates, and ensuring fair treatment with fair wages for all associates. Additionally, Suave Tequila has reduced its indirect emissions by applying sustainable procurement principles at all stages of the purchasing process and advising suppliers to adopt sustainable practices within their supply chains.
For years, the outskirts of Guadalajara, whereby Suave Tequila operates, has suffered a decline in biodiversity due to anthropogenic activities ranging from deforestation to hunting. Suave Tequila has fortunately been able to reintroduce many animals and plants species to their hacienda (ranch) thanks to their eco-friendly agricultural processes and biodiversity initiatives. These initiatives started in early 2022, and since then the region has seen many animals naturally relocating back to the local habitat including: Wolves, Roadrunners, Bats, Rabbits, Coyotes, Ants, Spiders, Beetles, Bees and Snakes. The business has implemented Polyculture designs in their fields which is comprised of growing a diversity of crops simultaneously thereby fostering food security and reducing/eliminating the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides. Their Permaculture programme uses natural techniques for plague controls by establishing symbiotic relationships between different species instead of relying on traditional chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The switch away from chemicals has resulted in soil fertility being restored and erosion being mitigated.
The brand has worked closely with different municipal presidents to jointly build adequate roads for everyone. These roads in the local area were in a terrible condition for years, making it difficult for people to commute or even access basic rights such as access to schools and hospitals. Suave Tequila has since then created jobs for over 50+ families from local towns ensuring living wages and social securities for all workers, including field workers, are met. Their goal is to create at least 100+ more jobs in the near future and strive to primarily hire people from impoverished local communities to give them and their families the support they need to succeed by providing stable jobs, housing, and even ‘educational bonuses’, which means that the company offers to pay for further education for its best employees (diploma degrees, university degrees, and graduate degrees).
Premium Suave Tequila supports two UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has provided SDG training to their employees. The business decided to support the SDG 2: Zero hunger by supporting the poorer communities where it operates by providing housing, training, and locally grown food for all workers at the hacienda. The brand also supports SDG 15: Life on land to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services by optimising the use of natural resources and effectively managing waste and water across their supply chain.
Suave is not just a product, nor an ephemeral sip, Suave is a way of creating permanent memories through our senses; Memories that will live on in our minds for the duration of our lives. It is a way of creating unforgettable experiences while learning and living for a moment in a utopian world coalesced in harmony with nature; A world that respects the environment, a world with equality and opportunities for all, a world where each, and every one of us puts his or her grain of sand to make Earth a better place. Although we are only a small piece in this global puzzle of sustainability, we are thrilled to rise every morning with the intention of recreating this world we call Earth with our projects and initiatives, and we hope to inspire others in different walks of life to do the same

Since the establishment of the company, or even before that, back in the days when it was just a ravishing dream of becoming a project one day. We knew one thing: things had to change. Sustainability was always our core, in every move we made, every decision taken, the first question always was: “Will this have a positive impact”? By taking the ESG assessment we sought to exemplify to others that sustainability does not have to be considered a longshot. You can be a luxury company AND sustainable while strengthening your brand identity. For us, taking the assessment helped us document and administer all our initiatives while pushing us to innovate in the most exciting ways possible. We are extremely honoured of working with Positive Luxury; a company which thus far has had a long-lasting positive impact on us, and hope we can reach a wider audience to leave this planet better than we found it, in unison.
The current outlook to strengthening their sustainability push is in establishing biological plague controls to move Premium Suave Tequila's agricultural arm one step closer to reaching full permaculture status at an industrial scale. Analysing how microbiomes interact through different micro-organism foodwebs is key in their desire to establish pest, plague, and even herbicide controls through biological mechanisms already found in nature. Furthermore, they are investing heavily in the development of local rural areas to provide better living conditions and educational opportunities for their people and their families.